Assignment 3: Spectacular Spectrograms

Musical Statements

"Comb-tuned (Da ba dee)"

by anonymous


by "not shark"

My statement is a spectrogram image. It uses an image of Rosemary Walten from The Walten Files (with inverted colors because it looks better on the spectrogram). The code used to generate it is as follows:

Using the default parameters in librosa after mp3-compressing, we get this:


by "bentdoug"

Using the default parameters in librosa after mp3-compressing, we get this:


by Mike E

Using the default parameters in librosa after mp3-compressing, we get this:

"Let's Groove"

by Diane

"Alien Suisei" (Art by kento @imarandomartist)

by Dylan

Using the default parameters in librosa after mp3-compressing, we get this:

"Fallen CS372Guru"

by CS372Guru

Using the default parameters in librosa after mp3-compressing, we get this:

"The Very Best"

by Hannah

Using the default parameters in librosa after mp3-compressing, we get this:

Not 4'33"

by Kacey

Using the default parameters in librosa after mp3-compressing, we get this:

"Monster Call"


"Song of The Robot"

by Anonymous

I thought it'd be fun to mess around with DALL-E, the AI art generator, to make a png to make a tune from. I made a prompt along the lines of "Robot performs for alien planet of robots" and ended up with this image, which I converted to grayscale and passed into the im2sound algorithm. I thought the resulting "song" sounded quite alien/robotic. I like the idea that this is considered a masterpiece to alien/robot ears

Unfortunately, mp3 compression cuts off the head, which is in the high frequencies that are lost

Original image here:

"Usher-ified Cough"

by Abby

"Mystery Beeps"

by Anonymous


by Anonymous

"Vocoder Vocoded"

by Sean Sharo

I found a clipart model of a vocoder online and had the Phase retrieval use that picture to create a noise for it

Using the default parameters in librosa after mp3-compressing, we get this:


by Anonymous

Using the default parameters in librosa after mp3-compressing, we get this:

"Tralie Sig"

by James